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[9to5mac] It’s not just Apple hurting in China: stats show smartphone shipments fell 12-15.5%

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  • China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), a research institute under the country’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said shipments dropped 15.5 percent to roughly 390 million units for the year, with a 17 percent slump in December.Market research firm Canalys estimates shipments fell 12 percent in China last year.

  • Not only is it selling fewer of its own phones, but its component divisions are seeing reduced demand for sales of the chips and screens it makes for Apple and other companies The company has today reported Q4 2018 revenue down 28% year-on-year, with profits well below market expectations.

  • That’s not to say there aren’t also Apple-specific factors at work: local companies like Huawei and Xiaomi are now also seen as premium brands, losing Apple automatic domination of the top tier of the market, and it has been suggested that the trade war between the US and China is leading to informal consumer boycotting of Apple products.

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  • Two sets of stats today show that this is not an Apple-specific problem: smartphone shipments in China are down across the board, with Samsung taking a double hit … Reuters reports that official government statistics show a 15.5% fall in 2018, while Canalys has a somewhat lower estimate of 12%.

  • China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), a research institute under the country’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said shipments dropped 15.5 percent to roughly 390 million units for the year, with a 17 percent slump in December.Market research firm Canalys estimates shipments fell 12 percent in China last year.

  • Not only is it selling fewer of its own phones, but its component divisions are seeing reduced demand for sales of the chips and screens it makes for Apple and other companies The company has today reported Q4 2018 revenue down 28% year-on-year, with profits well below market expectations.

Ref: https://9to5mac.com/2019/01/08/smartphone-shipments-china/