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[9to5mac] AT&T says it will have nationwide 5G by early 2020 as exec defends controversial ‘5G E’ branding

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  • carriers are racing to get 5G up and running, and with the transition from 4G LTE, there’s a ton of controversy regarding the upcoming new wireless standards Most of the controversy is coming from AT&T, which recently pushed an update to select Android phones to replace the 4G LTE logo with a 5G E logo instead.

  • AT&T has been catching fire because it has been rebranding some of its 4G LTE network “5G E” or 5G Evolution AT&T’s senior vice president for wireless technology Igal Elbaz (via Toms Guide) is defending the company’s move to have certain Android smartphones replace the current 4G LTE logo to 5G E.

  • Similar to the transition to 4G LTE, AT&T is trying to get ahead of the game by somewhat misleading the customer into thinking they have 5G service During the transition to 4G LTE, AT&T rebranded its HSPA+ network as “4G”, despite it still using 3G technologies.

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  • The company says its 5G network will be using millimeter wave technology and sub-6GHz, low-frequency bands to accomplish high-speed data AT&T plans on beginning the rollout later this year.

  • “We’ve been talking about 5G Evolution for a while now.

  • Years later, AT&T finds itself in the same situation It’s 5G E network is based on the existing LTE-A technologies, which other carriers such as T-Mobile and Verizon have had around for quite some time.

Ref: https://9to5mac.com/2019/01/09/att-says-it-will-have-nationwide-5g-by-early-2020-as-exec-defends-controversial-5g-e-branding/