[cnet] House Democrats get down to business on tech issues
2019. 2. 6. 18:27
LexRank Summarization
- Now the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on net neutrality, where it's likely to ask former FCC chairman Wheeler, whose FCC wrote the controversial 2015 rules, for his take on protecting internet openness.
- Former FCC chairman Powell, who now heads up the cable industry's main lobbying group, will also be testifying as will a representative from Mozilla, which is the lead petitioner in the federal appeals court challenging the net neutrality repeal.
- On Monday, Pallone and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania sent a letter to FCC Chairman Pai warning him the committee will be taking a closer look at the agency and "reassuming its traditional role of oversight to ensure the agency is acting in the best interest of the public and consistent with its legislative authority." Pallone and Doyle accused Pai of making the FCC too secretive and repeatedly looking out for the interests of corporations over consumers.
TextRank Summarization
- A new Congress is in session and Democrats are hitting the ground running on tech issues.
- Democrats on Capitol are wasting no time digging into big and controversial tech issues now that they control the House of Representatives.
- The House Energy and Commerce Committee, chaired by Frank Pallone of New Jersey, has been busy this past week, scheduling hearings and sending letters to company executives and regulatory agencies it oversees.