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[9to5mac] Tim Cook ‘calls bologna’ on claims of failing iPhone XR, wearables business exceeds ‘peak iPod’

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  • Cook was also directly asked about a report from The Wall Street Journal from over the weekend, which explained that the iPhone XR is the phone that’s “failing” Apple Cook, however, said that he “calls bologna” on such claims and that the iPhone XR has been the best-selling iPhone every day since its release.

  • If you look at this on a trailing basis – I’m not projecting – revenue for wearables is already more than 50% more than iPod was at its peak Now, this is a product [the iPod is] I think everybody would say it was an incredibly important product for Apple, full of innovation, and probably, the trigger for the company getting on a very different trajectory and into other markets.

  • Regarding Apple’s ongoing battle with Qualcomm, Tim Cook said that Apple has not “been in any settlement discussions with them since the third calendar quarter of last year.” This contradicts Qualcomm CEO Steven Mollenkopf, who said in November that Qualcomm and Apple were “on the doorstep” of a settlement.

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  • As announced earlier today, Tim Cook this evening was interviewed on CNBC’s Mad Money show with Jim Cramer In addition to touting Apple’s ecosystem, Cook also refuted reports of a failing iPhone XR, addressed slowing iPhone upgrade rates, and more.

  • As for Siri, Cook said that Apple is “putting a ton of investment in Siri” and touted that Siri is used over 10 billion times each month:.

  • And Siri’s used over 10 billion times a month And it’s in 21 different languages and 30-something countries.

Ref: https://9to5mac.com/2019/01/08/tim-cook-cnbc-iphone-xr-wearables/