LexRank Summarization
- It's really up to you which location to choose, but if it's Lucky Landings, you'll want to go earlier in the week to make sure plenty of people are there for the challenge.
- One thing I realized recently is that if you're in a plane, you only need to be in an area's airspace to get credit for visiting that location.
- So flying might be the way to go, but either way, here's a map to make it easier: This challenge requires that you've already unlocked the Ice Puck at tier 28 of your Battle Pass.
TextRank Summarization
- Stage 2 has you visiting Lucky Landings and Retail Row in a single match, which is a greater distance, and stage 3 sends you to Lazy Links and Shifty Shafts for the longest distance.
- If you haven't unlocked it yet, don't worry, because you have until the end of season 7 to complete this challenge.
- Stage 2 has you using assault rifles, which shouldn't be too bad, but stage 3 requires you to use grenades, clingers or stink bombs.